Landscape Tanks™
Patent Granted # 2010286347
To protect lives & property
Our tanks are in active use in a dedicated “firefighting” capacity in a large and growing number of fire jurisdictions.
We are the firefighting tank of choice where property owners;​
Are seeking more than just the lowest cost firefighting concrete water tank solution. Our tanks have high aesthetic appeal (are beautiful).
To provide a second functional purpose on top of water storage e.g. retaining wall or fence and or barrier (wind, noise, sight, physical or thermal). Where space is of a premium or positioning options are expanded by the different purposes our tanks can perform.
Where there are positioning restraints. Our tanks can go underground, aboveground and aboveground in a number of different arrangements. They are more flexible than many other tank systems.
Recognise the problematic nature of firefighting tank positioning, namely, tank positioning that needs to be prominent, highly visible, close to your house and not camouflaged. Where an ordinary tank provided by one of our competitors could detract from, rather than add too, a house’s appearance. No one wants their house to look like a fire station.
Where you want to blend the tank(s) with their natural surrounds through top based vegetation.
Where you require your tank to be made from a highly durable, UV tolerant, long lasting and or low leaching material.
The firefighting authorities tank regulations are designed around reliability in stressful and potentially extreme circumstances. We have outlined the water storage regulations of the two main fire states, Victoria (CFA) and NSW (RFS) in the addendums below. Those requirements generally cover the following:
Construction Materials: Construction materials that are stable in circumstances of direct or approaching fire.​
Tank: Of concrete or steel construction. If you compare steel and concrete, concrete is a clear winner. Concrete remains stable at up to 900 degrees celsius compared to 150-300 degrees for mild steel. In addition, concrete unlike steel is corrosion resistant in its natural form and requires little or no maintenance (painting).
External Plumbing: A requirement that external plumbing is constructed from metal not PVC.​
Identification and Access: Providing the rural fire services with confidence of being able to find and access water quickly. In some circumstances signage and in all circumstances close road access to the tank and water outlet point(s).​
Adequate Flow: Provision of outlets or access hatches in sizes and formats that are compatible to firefighting trucks and high flow rates. Large bore outlets in metal and specific plumbing formats e.g. “Storz”.

Our Seals
The weak point of all firefighting tanks are their seals. Seals are made exclusively from plastics. Landscape Tanks™ connection seals are made from Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM). EPDM has good heat properties, with a maximum tolerance of around 150 degrees celsius. Our seals are recessed into the tanks by approx. 25mm to protect them from ultra violet rays and also heat and mostly or predominately sandwiched between concrete surfaces allowing low or no external exposure.
We believe, our tanks offer property owners and rural firefighting services a number of benefits and have few weaknesses. They are a good modular, multifunctional, versatile, with planter, simple and quick installation option and therefore, worthy of consideration. There is no direct reason to feel you have to bury or hide them as they add too rather than detract from, your properties general aesthetics.

Further information
This page and its contents are provided to assist consumers with their initial firefighting water storage enquiries (and decision-making processes). Our comments and the information provided are based around;
The two predominate fire states, namely, NSW and Victoria; and
Focused on “tank” and tank related, as opposed to reticulated water, firefighting water storage regulations.
Based on the complexities and differences between states, we suggest you seek professional assistance (either directly from the local firefighting authority or suitable professional who is familiar with firefighting regulations) in determining the best solution for your circumstances and locality.